Let’s turn your old EPS into new EPS
For too long too much EPS has been incinerated, leading to unnecessary carbon dioxide emissions and waste. Not anymore. We collect your EPS-waste, recycle it and use it to make new EPS.

Construction sites

Recycling centers

Fish industry

Consumer electronics

Processing plants

…and many more

How it works
Put the EPS in transparent bags. If you don’t have any, we can supply you with Use-ReUse bags.
If you have a compactor we are happy to collect the compacted EPS.
Mail to or call +46 706 152 975 when two or more bags are filled or when you have enough compacted EPS, and we’ll collect it.
- The EPS should be clean and no other materials, such as metal, sand, wood and cement are allowed in the sacks
- The EPS can not contain graphite or be mouldy
- The EPS should be packed in transparent bags or BEWI woven recycling bags, which can be ordered from us
- Inform us in advance if the EPS comes from construction/demolition/renovation, so we can make sure that it’s recyclable
Close the loop
Use-ReUse is an initiative from the BEWI. We manage the entire chain from raw material to finished products. We collect EPS waste and compress it, extrude it into pellets and turn the pellets into raw material that can be processed. We have closed the loop.

Our division BEWI Circular already recycles several thousands tons of EPS and have an even bigger collection target for the coming years.

Through Use-reUse we collect and recycle EPS from the EPS-industry, customers and end-users.

This is just the beginning of a more sustainable way of working. We will lead the change.
Be part of a sustainable community

Visit us
Visit BEWI (Headquarter)
Gårdsvägen 13, SE-169 70 SOLNA,

Write us
Do you have any questions, do you want to book a meeting or just get more information?
Email us:
Talk to us
Do you want to know more?
Call us:
+46 706 152 975
98% air, 100% recyclable
EPS is also known as styrofoam or polystyrene. It’s used for packaging, insulation, protective layers in bike helmets, fishboxes and much, much more. It’s made of 98% air and 100% recyclable. This is where Use-ReUse comes in. By collecting and recycling EPS we lessen its impact on nature and shape a more sustainable future.